জাপান ওয়ার্ক ভিসা!

যাদের বয়ষ ১৮ থেকে ৪০ বছরের মধ্যে ও এস.এস.সি পাস জাপানি ল্যাংগুয়েজ জানা আছে তারাই ওয়ার্ক ভিসার জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবেন।  জাপানি ভাষা জানা থাকলে ভাল,আর আপনি যদি জাপানি ভাষা না জানেন তাহলে আমাদের AGI ইনস্টিটিউট এ আপনি ভাষা শিখতে পারেন।

■ কোর্স ফি: মাত্ৰ ১৫,০০০/- টাকা (শুধু মাত্র ওয়ার্ক ভিসায় আবেদনকারীদের জন্য প্রযোজ্য)

■ আবেদন এর জন্য প্রয়োজন:

পাসপোর্ট,ছবি,মার্কসসীট ও সার্টিফিকেট ।

■ আবেদনের ধাপ সমূহ:

প্রথমে আপনার মেডিকেল ফিটনেস টেস্ট নেওয়া হবে।  আপনার মেডিকেল ওকে হলে , পাসপোর্ট ,ছবি ও মার্কসসীট, সার্টিফিকেট ও সিকিউরিটি ডিপোজিট জমা দিয়ে এক্সিওম এর সাথে চুক্তিবদ্ধ হবেন ।  জাপান ওয়ার্ক ভিসার COE জন্য এক্সিওম আপনার হয়ে আবেদন করবে।  COE হতে প্রায় ৩মাস সময় লাগবে।  COE হাতে পাওয়ার পর জাপান এম্বাসিতে আপনার ভিসা স্টিকার এর জন্য আবেদন করা হবে।  ভিসা হাতে পাওয়ার পর টিকেট কনফার্ম করা হবে।  চুক্তি মোতাক সম্পূর্ণ টাকা পরিশোধ করে ফ্লাইট কনফার্ম করবেন।

জাপান ওয়ার্ক ভিসা সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জানতে ভিডিও দেখুন।

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    In modern age Japan has found itself an important role as a country of technology among international society. Industrial Work Program exists to accomplish its purpose which is to contribute to the economic development of the developing countries by accepting trainees as part of multilateral economic partnership and technological support that is to share Japanese technology, skills, and knowledge with them. There are 111 works in 61 types of job acceptable to all over the country.

    The Work Visa is for Applicants who will come to Japan for the purpose of Work in an organization in order to acquire technology and other skills.

    The trainee system was originally created by the Japanese government to allow for the exchange and Work of overseas based workers by companies in Japan.

    It should be noted that an individual Applicant cannot simply become a trainee. Rather, it is necessary to belong to an organization outside Japan which sends the Applicant to a Japanese organization.

    Also there is Technical Internship Program which enables trainees to sign the employment contracts with the companies and continue learning the technology and skills after they finished the Work if they meet the requirements including satisfactory result of the assessment which is conducted after a period of Work time.

    General Requirements

    1. The technology, skills, or knowledge that the Applicant intends to obtain in Japan should not be of a type obtained mostly through the repetition of simple work.
    2. The Applicant must be at least 18 years of age.
    3. It should be expected that the Applicant will apply the technology, skills, or knowledge obtained in Japan after returning to her country.
    4. The technology, skills, or knowledge the Applicant intends to obtain in Japan must be difficult or impossible to obtain in the region where S/he resides.

    Requirements for Sponsoring Organization

    1. The Work must be conducted under the guidance of a person who is a full-time employee of the organization that accepts the applicant. That person should have at least five years’ experience in the technology, skills, or knowledge that the Applicant intends to learn.
    2. In some cases the sponsoring organization will be limited in terms of the number of trainees it can bring to Japan. The following is an indication

    Confirm that the proposed activities in Japan are consistent with those permitted for the holder of a Japan Work Visa.

    The permitted activities for the holder of a Work Visa are activities to learn and acquire technology, skills, or knowledge at a public or a private organization in Japan.

    In the case of a Work Visa, the authorities require the following documents:

    A Work plan that explains:

    1. The substance of the Work,

    2. Why the Work is necessary,

    3. The location of the Work,

    4. The duration of the Work, and

    5. The conditions of the Trainees stay in Japan.

    Although not technically required, our experience is that providing Japanese translations enhances the quality of an application. This may minimize delays in obtaining final approval.

    A COE is a document issued by the Japanese immigration authorities. It certifies an Applicant’s eligibility to undertake specific employment in Japan – in this case, the job associated with the Work Visa application.

    The processing time for a Work Visa COE is generally four to six weeks.

    Once approved, a notice is sent to an address in Japan advising that the COE is ready for collection at the regional immigration office where the COE application was originally submitted.

    Since the initiation of the service we have been helping companies to accept talented overseas trainees and interns from Bangladesh and Nepal through organizations authorized by the governments of each country.

    We provide consistent support towards the accepting organization: the visa application; establishment of a business cooperative; regular backing up during the training period; trainees and interns retuning-home preparations.

    1) Consultations on introduction of the Training Program.

    Consultations are conducted before the introduction of the program. We propose the best plan which meets the demand of the accepting organization. If necessary we support establishing a business cooperative to be an accepting organization.

    2) Trainee selection

    We select trainees among the candidates recommended by the sending organization in such as China, Vietnam, and Philippine. It involves assessments of their work histories, intelligence level, and health. An interview follows the assessment. After them an examination and second interview are conducted, and then trainees are selected. By selecting trainees carefully troubles during the training period are prevented.

    3) Japanese language education for the trainees.

    The language learning greatly affects the outcome of training. Before departure to Japan the sending organization conducts an orientation to teach basics of Japanese Language to trainees which are necessary during their stay in Japan. After their arrival in Japan Japanese Language Education plan as non-practical training, is prepared.

    4) Entry procedure on behalf of the accepting company

    Arrival and departure procedures, application for extended stay, application for permit to change status of residence, and other procedures involving the trainees are taken care of. We also prepare various types of documents and submit the application documents at an immigration office.

    5) Regular support during the training/internship period.

    We arrange and conduct interviews with trainees so that the accepting company and the trainees can exchange each other’s opinion.

    6) Completion of the training/internship.

    It is our system clients pay for the charges when they sign contracts. Of course explanations on the system are given beforehand. We start the services after we received your agreement.